July 2015 | Exhibition | Hong Kong Creative Power Roving Exhibition
ATB joined the roving exhibition at PMQ, Cyberport and the Hong Kong Science & Technology Park over the New Year period. Organized by the Hong Kong Design Centre Design Incubation Programme, the event aimed to promote the innovative works of young Hong Kong designers.

Oct 2014 | Exhibition |
1st Classic Car & Vintage Festival in Hong Kong
ATB was invited to join the event where classic and vintage car-lovers gathered for networking and exchange over one weekend in Central. ATB products were displayed and drew interest and attention from participants.

SEPT 2014 | Exhibition | K11
Design Mart brought together 59 innovative design vendors, and exhibited an array of unique designs ranging from fashion, accessories, crafty paper art, fine leather goods, to trendy furniture and homeware. In addition to having the opportunity to shop for design products, visitors also had the opportunities to understand the meaning behind each creation by interacting and engaging with the designers. Design workshops were conducted for participants to express and experiment with their inner creativity and bring home their own creative masterpieces.

SEPT 2013 | Exhibition | K11
The theme of this year’s Design Mart is “Embracing Design. Embracing Life”. The underlying message is: how good design can help attain tangible and sustainable improvements to our living environment. A truly good design, as oppose to “consumer excess” design is created by everybody for everybody, and solving a real human problem on life, such as scarce resources and related environmental issues.

Dec 2013 | Exhibition | InnoDesign Tech Expo
The InnoDesign Tech Expo, organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, is a world-class exposition of innovations, presenting the latest practical technologies and design solutions to help trading, manufacturing and service sector in Hong Kong to enhance their capacity to supply world markets. ATB participated in the expo to learn more about the needs and preferences of international customers.

DEC 2012 | Exhibition | Hong Kong Talent Exhibition

Nov 2011 | Exhibition | Social Enterprise Bazaar
ATB hosted a display booth at the Social Enterprise Bazaar 2011 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event was organized by the Home Affairs Bureau and the Social Enterprise Advisory Committee (SEAC) in Hong Kong to enhance public awareness of social enterprises and encourage the general public to support these enterprises and to promote caring consumption.

May 2011 | Exhibition | Hong Kong International Art Fair 2011
Extraordinary experience to car fans and art lovers. Modish furniture created by ATB Auto Art, is displayed at the Hong Kong International Arty Fair. By upcycling BMW auto parts, ATB Give BMW Auto parts a second life and bringing art into our every day lives. ATB turns the rubbish auto parts to an artistic and modish art

MAY 2011 | Exhibition | "Carpet, Banner, Leather"
Experiments in Upcycling Design
Invited by HKICC, ATB Auto Art participate in the exhibition titled “From Trash to Treasure” was held at Hong Kong International airport Terminal 2. Co-organized by the Airport Authority (AA) and the Hong Kong institute of Contemporary Culture.
ATB ‘s furniture insists no matter the materials, manpower, design, brand, or even the concept of recycling, are 100% Made in Hong Kong, and expectations that we can build a environmentally friendly, creative and unique social enterprise. Promote image of Hong Kong to foreigners.

MAY 2011 | Exhibition | "Carpet, Banner, Leather"
Experiments in Upcycling Design
ATB helped to organize the event held at art gallery A-Link Plus. 280 students used disposed materials to upcycle them into 100 pieces of usable furniture.

JULY 2010 | Exhibition | Berlin Art Association, Germany
ATB was invited by the Berlin Art Association in Germany to hold an exhibition of its furniture at the City Hall Lichtenberg Am Mittwoch, Berlin. Founder Telly Woo was interviewed by the TV.Berlin programme “Upcycling Kunst aus at Hong Kong.”

Dec 2017 | Award | 民政事務局局長嘉許計劃2017

July 2017 | Award |伙伴倡自強『 社區協作計劃』

Jun 2015 | Award | SME Youth Entrepreneurship Award
ATB was named one of winners of the SME Youth Entrepreneurship Award 2015. The award is organised by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business, recognizing winners as unique entrepreneurships that show contribution to the community.

Dec 2013 | Award | DBS 星展社企優化基金 2013

May 2013 | Award | PolyU Mico Fund 2013

July 2012 | Award | Youth Social Enterpreneur Award
ATB won the Hong Kong Social Entrepreneurship Forum Youth Social Entrepreneur Award 2012 organized by Ocean Junior Chamber in Hong Kong to encourage young social entrepreneurs to pursue their dream while solving social issues.

Feb 2012 | Award |
Upcycling Project Golden Award for Arts Education

Feb 2011 | Award | Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge
The Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge is a social ventures plans competition organized by the Center for Entrepreneurship of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The competition encourages the use of creative entrepreneurial approach to solve real world social issues. ATB Auto Art won the Championship of the Challenge in 2011.

MAY 2015 | Charity Auction | Diamond Cab
Following the success in 2014, for the second year, the social enterprise Diamond Cab invited
ATB to create a table lamp for their charity auction.

SEPT 2014 | Charity Auction | Diamond Cab
Following the success in 2011, for the second year, ATB set a counter of ATB art creations at the auction at the wine party gathering organized by the
NGO Aide et Action, in support of universal education in developing countries.

APRIL 2014 | Charity Auction | Diamond Cab
Hong Kong social enterprise Diamond Cab, a taxi service available for wheelchair use, invited
ATB to design a table lamp with a used rear suspension component from one of their cabs for charity auction. The charity auction was attended by celebrities and the press.

Dec 2011 | Charity Auction | Supporting Aide et Action Education Foundation
An ATB table lamp was put to auction at the wine party gathering organized by the
NGO Aide et Action, in support of universal education in developing countries.

June 2011 | Charity Auction |
Stylish Furniture-Auction at BMW showroom
Art Commission from BMW Concessionaires (HK) Limited
A Charity Auction of BMW Upcycling Furniture Sets has Hold at BMW Wai Chi showroom
Co-organize periodic charity auctions of themed ATB products with partners such as car brands or car clubs to maintain regular exposure of the ATB brand, to benefit the designated charities, and to gather potential customer leads

Sep 2014 | Gathering | ATB 1000 Days Celebration Party
ATB Auto Art held our 1000 Days Celebration Party on 15 Sep 2014. Our new collection of home accessories was showcased to our friends and supporters, amongst whom Ms Florence Hui, Under Secretary for the Home Affairs Bureau, was our special guest of honour.
To see more photos of our 1000 Days Celebration Party, please click here